With the introduction of legal sports betting in the U.S., the NFL had to develop an official betting solution for its fans. It was time to create its own official data product and betting solution for sportsbooks. The result is the official sportsbook product, which is a first-of-its-kind. It offers over 25 types of in-race bets, enabling sportsbooks to accept bets on every lap of every race. This solution offers regulated states’ fans an immersive, live experience.
Unlike other states, Iowa jumped into the sports betting market in August. Other states took between six months to a year to launch a legal sports betting market. In addition, two sportsbooks opened in Phoenix-area stadiums. By the end of 2019, Iowa will allow five sportsbooks to launch in the state. Despite its tardy launch, the state is on its way to becoming one of the first to legalize sports betting. There are some challenges ahead, though.
Despite legal sports betting, many operators were ready to take advantage of the opportunity. Unlike the Wild West, the new legal sports betting market is not as wild as it might seem. Sportsbooks must check a lot of boxes and undergo a thorough approval process before they can open their doors. Regardless of the legal status, sports betting in Connecticut is regulated. A new law, passed by the state in June, will help the sports betting industry thrive.